Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Speech to the Young
By Gwendolyn Brooks

Say to them,
say to the down-keepers,
the sun-slappers,
the self-soilers,
the harmony-hushers,
"Even if you are not ready for day
it cannot always be night."
You will be right.
For that is the hard home-run.

Live not for the battles won.
Live not for the-end-of-the-song.
Live in the along.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Be Your Own Hero Sometimes

Sometimes you have to be your own hero. You have to save yourself. To be your own hero you have to love yourself enough to actually care to save yourself. Life can be hard but life goes on. It will get better, I promise. If its not getting better, take a step back and smile or laugh. Always surround yourself with positive things. Take away all the negatives. Remember that you can't fix everything. I always wanna fix things to make people happy but some things are meant to be the way they are. Be happy. Someone once told me to do more of what I love. You should take this advice. I love you all and you're all beautiful even though society defines what beautiful is in another way. Have a great day!

"Don't waste your life trying to impress other people. Do what you love, love what you do."

Let Go

    Written by sunshine

Travel my darling go see something new
The world is out there for you to look through
Kiss your love ones good-bye
Only to say hi,and comment allez-vous
No need to panic or be in a frantic
God has got you
You'll be fine,you just go and do you! 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Someone Like You!


"Who am I?" I am someone I don't want to be.Like any other teenage girl,there's almost everything I want to change about myself.The best part about that is I know that I am not alone.Almost every single one of my female have a scroll of things they would like to change about themselves.Even the most beautiful girl's hate who they are.One thing girls my age want is to feel is self worth,which is given from another human heart.If your reading this blog right now;I just wanted you to know-you mean something to me!I have never been a cutter,but many of my friends have.My goal is to reach as many teens and make them feel some kind of purpose."Too many people undervalue what they are and overvalue what they aren't.".Find your reason to keep living and run with it.I have been put in many different situations and have found a pleasure in inspiring other people.I have also felt sadness,pain,concussion,and failure.You may feel alone,but you are never that.Only the best people can go to tourmal and back better than ever!

Finally Did Something About it


So for awhile now I have really wanted to do something with my life, something that would make me happy. What really makes me happy is knowing I make other people happy, making people feel like they aren't alone, and inspiring people. Another thing that makes me happy is writing, so I thought (with the help of my friend) I should write to inspire people, make them happy, and make them not feel alone. So this is where the blog idea came in. I will let you know a little about myself. I'm a teenager and I do sometimes feel alone. I did have a phase where I was depressed and I wouldn't let anyone make me happy. I shut everyone out, I stayed in my room crying all night, I stopped doing homework and then classwork, I also lost my desire to even get up and eat. I lost about ten pounds during this phase and yes, I needed to lose weight but that wasn't the way to do it. I even physically hurt myself. At night I went online and would just get on Instagram or just anything and I would look at these pictures of these girls that all these guys liked and I would ask myself, "Why can't I be her?". I would think about changing my whole appearance to finally have someone think I was pretty. You might be wondering, "How did you get past this?". The answer to that is that I changed my view on what beautiful was and on how to look at the positives and not the negatives. I also figured out that you don't need to have a lot of friends to be happy, I only had a couple close friends left after my depressed state. Those were my real friends. After this state I made a couple new friends, my grades started improving, and I have to say, I like myself more. Every now and again I get upset but then I try to quickly change my mood. And to be honest, another thing that helped me to become a better me was YouTube. It might sound weird and crazy, but it's true. I started watching some YouTubers and they made me smile, they inspired me to do what I love and to not care what everyone else is thinking. My idols are YouTubers I have to admit and I'm proud to say that. If it wasn't for YouTube and people doing what they love, I  wouldn't be here today talking about how I changed my life. So now I am doing something that I love and I hope to make at least one person feel better. I promise the next time I write, it will be more cheerful. I'm happy I finally did something about my depression and I hope to inspire you.